1997 ▼
MOSO starts selling bamboo

Dutch friends start a business in bamboo flooring, a completely new product in Europe. In the first years, bamboo is imported to a small warehouse in Purmerend. After supplying flooring to craftsmen in the Netherlands, for the growth of the business it is equally, if not more, important to develop a fruitful network of international architects.

1997 ▼
First office project  

One of the first big steps in setting up a bamboo business, is the order for 6.000 m² industrial bamboo flooring for an office in Haarlem, the Netherlands.

2001 ▼
Barajas International Airport in Madrid

As the only bamboo supplier capable to meet the most stringent performance requirements, MOSO acquires the order to supply bamboo for the largest bamboo project ever: 200.000m2 of bamboo ceiling boards for the Barajas International Airport in Madrid, designed by Richard Rogers and Studio Lamela Arquitectos.

MOSO® Bamboo Ceiling Board

2002 ▼
2-Ply Bamboo Flooring

MOSO® develops a 2-Ply Bamboo Flooring®. This product’s special construction offers a perfect compromise between durability and stability, providing an ideal solution for large projects.

MOSO® Bamboo Supreme

2002 ▼
DMVP joint venture

Together with a Chinese partner MOSO® sets up a production plant entirely focused on the production of bamboo veneer: DMVP. Up until today DMVP is the only factory in the world specialised in this product.

MOSO® Bamboo Veneer

2003 ▼
Bona lacquer

MOSO® is the first bamboo supplier worldwide to provide customers with the possibility to have their bamboo floors lacquered with BONA; the leading wooden flooring lacquer producer in terms of quality and sustainability.

2004 ▼
New MOSO® office

Continuous growth after its establishment forces MOSO® to move to a new office with a spacious warehouse (Marowijne 43 in Zwaag, near Amsterdam).

2006 ▼
High Density® flooring

MOSO® launches High Density, a special version of MOSO® bamboo flooring which is made by compressing bamboo strips under very high pressure, resulting in the hardest natural floor available on the market.

The High Density® production process

2006 ▼
BMW dashboard

Thanks to excellent and consistent product performance, MOSO® was selected as the exclusive supplier of bamboo veneer for BMW’s dashboards, opening up a completely new industry for bamboo products.

2008 ▼

Globally recognised as the best certification system for responsible forestry, FSC® is now also available for bamboo. As pioneer in the bamboo industry, MOSO® is able to provide bamboo products with FSC®-certification (MOSO®’s FSC® certificate code CU-COC-812067).

More about FSC® certification

2009 ▼
MOSO China

A new office was established near Hangzhou along with a workshop, to produce all MOSO® sample materials. Besides the office of MOSO China, a new office was established in Hong Kong to deal with direct exports from China to customers.

2009 ▼
Barcelona office

MOSO® opens up a new office in Barcelona and establishes MOSO Europe SLU, in order to better serve the Southern European and Latin American markets.

BCN office MOSO

2010 ▼
Topbamboo flooring 

With Topbamboo, MOSO® shows yet again its talent for the development of products that are in line with the latest market trends. This new flooring product is very easy to install, economical, stable and available in many different colours and finishes.


2010 ▼
Bamboo outdoor 

MOSO® launches Bamboo X-treme®, the first outdoor bamboo decking product meeting the highest performance and durability requirements in Western markets. This is achieved due to the unique Thermo-Density® process.

Bamboo X-treme® Outdoor decking

2011 ▼
CO2 neutral or better 

Official LCA and carbon footprint studies (ISO14040/44) conducted by the Delft University of Technology, conclude that all solid MOSO® bamboo products are CO2 neutral or better over their full life cycle. The fast growth of the Moso bamboo species is an additional green benefit which is not included in the LCA.

More about LCA

2012 ▼
Low emissions

Based on extensive testing by the Bremer Umweltinstitut, all MOSO® bamboo floors have been rated A and A+ in France with respect to emissions of volatile organic compounds: the best classification possible!

More about Indoor emissions

2013 ▼
Bamboo beams

The introduction of a broad assortment of MOSO® Bamboo Beams further stimulates the endorsement of bamboo in semi-structural applications, such as doors and window frames.

MOSO® Solid Beams

2014 ▼

The multi-functional, flexible finishing product Flexbamboo facilitates quick installation and enables the creation of curved surfaces. Flexbamboo can be applied in flooring, walls, and ceilings.

MOSO® Flexbamboo

2015 ▼
New office MOSO International

With more than 30 employees in the Netherlands and a continuously growing assortment and stock, MOSO® moves to a new sustainable office and the biggest bamboo warehouse in Europe.

2015 ▼
New office MOSO Europe

To better serve the architects and designers looking for bamboo inspiration, MOSO Europe moves to a new office building in the city-center of Barcelona.

2015 ▼
MOSO Africa

The new subsidiary, a joint venture between MOSO International and the established South African company Panda Bamboo, starts operating from the Cape Town office and acts as a hub for Sub-Saharan Africa.

2016 ▼
Environmental Product Declaration

MOSO® is the first bamboo company worldwide to have published various independently verified EPD’s (EN 15804) for its product range. This kind of so-called Type III EPD merits credits for transparency in environmental reporting for leading green building schemes such as LEED and BREEAM.

More about EPD

2016 ▼
MOSO Italia

After acting as a distributor for many years, MOSO Italia is the 4th official subsidiary of MOSO International. The young company moves to an inspiring new location near Milan.

2016 ▼
ATEX certification

Customised MOSO Density® flooring is certified for railway stations and airport halls – ATEX from CSTB/FCBA in France. This is the first time that bamboo is officially considered as good and even better than any other wood.

2017 ▼
MOSO Middle East

MOSO Middle East, established at the beginning of 2017, focuses on the GCC area: UAE, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. This venture is highly involved in architecture and in the building industry, and is based in Dubai.

2017 ▼
MOSO North America

With a dedicated team serving the US and Canadian market, MOSO® launches the new subsidiary MOSO North America. The focus is on the outdoor collection. MOSO® now serves customers worldwide with 7 offices and more than 60 employees.

2017 ▼
Fire resistant outdoor products

MOSO® products are all tested according to European standards for fire resistance.

More about certifications

2018 ▼
Hotel Jakarta in Amsterdam

A huge variety of sustainable and largely custom-made MOSO® Bamboo Products is used as the most striking material in the greenest hotel in the Netherlands, Hotel Jakarta in Amsterdam. One of the most diverse bamboo reference projects worldwide to date!

2019 ▼
25 years warranty

After more than 10 years of successful producing and selling Bamboo X-treme® Decking Boards, MOSO® takes the product to the next level by extending the warranty to 25 years. With all certifications in place, and with more than 6.5 million m² decking installed, MOSO® is now ready to give even more reliability to their customers by extending the warranty period.

Bamboo X-treme®

2020 ▼
Devastating fire

On Friday evening, the 21st of February 2020, an unknown cause started a fire in the Moso International BV warehouse in Zwaag, the Netherlands. At the time of the fire, there were no people present in the building and no injuries were sustained. MOSO®’s head office and warehouse were, however, to be considered as lost and thus all existing stock had to be reproduced. Fortunately this could be achieved quickly due to the full contribution of our partners in China and our Chinese team. Very quickly after the fire (the following Monday the 24th to be exact) the MOSO® team had a temporary space to work from (many thanks to Rabobank) which would later expand to 2 locations: the warehouse located in Venhuizen (many thanks to the Langedijk brothers) and the office in Hoorn (many thanks to Art of Automation).

2021 ▼
Bamboo N-durance®

MOSO® Bamboo N-durance® Decking is a solid, Outdoor-Density® board made from compressed bamboo strips. Bamboo N-durance® has a warm brown colour due to a steam-pressure treatment of the bamboo material. Special crushing and compression techniques increase the hardness and stability and provide MOSO® Bamboo N-durance® with the highest durability class possible in the appropriate EU norms.

2022 ▼
Environmental Product Declaration update

2022 The 2016 EPDs were updated with the most up-to-date data from manufacturing and transport, according to the most recent norms (EN15804:2019+A2)

More about EPD

2023 ▼
Move back "home"

The MOSO® team moved back to the new (old) premises in Zwaag where, finally, the MOSO® team could once again operate under one roof. The new premises meets the highest standards of sustainability and functionality being, among other things, completely gas-free and equipped with as many as 1000 solar panels. It also serves as a showroom for the MOSO® team, showcasing many of the beautiful bamboo solutions throughout from the kitchen to the beautiful façade featuring MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® in combination with MOSO® Bamboo N-durance® to decorate the exterior.

Press release

Our mission:

“We create and develop innovative, sustainable and high quality bamboo in- and outdoor products for domestic, architectural and industrial applications, with high added value for the user.”

We know all about bamboo. How can we help you?

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